Fundraising at Dunfermline Gala day

On the 23rd June 2018 three volunteers from Sunrise Africa Relief held a fundraising table at Dunfermline Gala day. Eileen, Heidrun and Robert on a very sunny day at the top of the glen raised just under £300. These funds will help support Barlastone Park School on the outskirts of Lusaka, Zambia in one of the poorest districts of the capital city. This will help towards renovation of the classrooms and books for the library.

The Trustees would like to thank the members of the public who supported the charity and gave so generously.

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Sunrise Africa Relief completes the Tough Mudder challenge

On the 16th June 2018 in Dumfries, Sunrise Africa Relief participated in the 15km Tough Mudder Challenge race.

Our team consisted of 5 members, Eric, Michael, Ailidh, Chucks and Russell. All had trained vigorously for the event, which consisted of a 15km run interspaced with challenges of mud, ropes, ice, walls, pyramids etc. Success could only be achieved with effective team work – which proved to be the case on the day with the team as they successfully passed all the obstacles.

The weather added an extra challenge with rain, hail, lighting, and sunshine. In fact, there was a sign up saying that the Tough Mudder Challenge is never cancelled because of weather!

So far the team has raised over £1,200 in online donations which is going towards the development of Barlastone Park School in one of the poorest districts of Lusaka in Zambia.

The Trustees would like to really thank the team for their effort and participation to make the event and the day a great success.



Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Report from fundraising dinner held in Stirling

Sunrise Africa Relief held a fundraising dinner with MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians) at the Stirling Albert Halls on 17th June 2018.

The event involved two charities working together to bring people across Scotland and England to share an evening and to learn more about the plight of Palestine and Africa.

All proceeds went to support the work of Sunrise Africa Relief and Medical Aid for Palestinians.

Mrs Christine Simpson the Provost of Stirling gave the welcoming address, followed by the keynote address from Professor Graham Watt CBE on “The Barriers for Health in Palestine”. This was followed by Ms Susan McGill, Councillor for Stirling Council, who discussed “On Supporting People”.

Dr Ishaq Abu-Arafeh, the chairman of the planning committee, did an excellent job outlining the purpose of the event and ensuring the evening ran on time, while mixing with the guests to make sure everyone was having a good experience.

Sunrise Africa Relief had three speakers. Mr Robert Williamson, co-founder and trustee, first gave a brief introduction of the charity – how it was founded in 2014 and currently has active projects in Zambia and Uganda. He then introduced Mr Aftikhar Ahmed as the other co-founder and the one who took the initiative to hold this event. Mr Ahmed received an overwhelming cheer of appreciation from the guests for his charity work.

Mr Paul Currie, another trustee, spoke on the principles of the charity and the importance of two faith groups working together. He also stated there is need everywhere and that it transcends religious, culture, and ethnic differences.

Mrs Shazia Nadeem, an ambassador for the charity, spoke on her personal experiences in Africa and her participation in the projects, in particular Uganda and Zambia – including an encounter with a crocodile!

Two music groups performed, Camile Nehme from Palestine and The Afros band from Africa. Both groups were received well and managed to get the audience dancing!

Sunrise Africa Relief raised over £683 with online donations still being received.

The Trustees would like to thank all the committee members and all those who attended and contributed to make the evening so enjoyable and successful.

Video of one of the bands:

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

David Livingstone

‘I am prepared to go anywhere, provided it be forwards’
David Livingstone

Blantyre is a small town, a mere few miles ‘upstream’ on the Clyde from my hometown of Glasgow. But my first visit took place only many years after I had left my childhood home, inspired by a silent resolve made in the far distant land of Zambia in 2013.

Our travelling group beside Victoria Falls in raincoats

As I stood with a small group in the heart of Africa, at the spot where David Livingstone died on May 1st, 1873, I determined to visit the town where he had been born two hundred years before-2013 marked his bicentenary. In his relatively short life of 60 years, he had greatly increased the then current knowledge about ‘the Dark Continent’, and fuelled by his Christian faith had made a significant contribution to ending the slave trade.

As I reflected silently, I could not but feel humbled by the courage, faith and vision of my fellow country-man.  
In order to be able to travel to Africa, the tourist has certain obstacles to overcome, but faced with the hazards and dangers confronting David Livingstone almost two hundred years ago, all but the most courageous and intrepid modern adventurers would decline the challenge.

Livingstone possessed the necessary courage as well as persistence and endurance – surely to a certain extent inherited from his deeply religious parents, but also fostered by the long hours of tedious, painstaking work in his father’s cotton mill which he undertook from the age of ten.

The young David had aspirations beyond the mill, and whereas his father saw science as undermining religion, David felt that the two could be reconciled, and persuaded his parents to allow him to study medicine at the then Anderson’s college in Glasgow. His initial desire was to be a medical missionary to China, but the First Opium war thwarted that ambition, and encouraged by his future father-in-law, Robert Moffat of the London Missionary Society, he turned his sights on Africa.

Not only did he believe in the compatibility of science and religion, he appears to have also cherished the belief that his thirst for exploration and discovery could be a foundation on which to further the ideals of his Christian faith. His hope was that the opening of routes for commercial trade would displace those used for slavery, and that any fame and recognition he accrued could contribute to the demise of that abominable practice. This was indeed the case.

 Although he was unable to realize his ambition to discover the source of the Nile, he was, in 1855,  the first ‘Westerner’ to set eyes on the magnificent water spectacle which we know by the name he gave it-‘the Victoria Falls’- in honour of the then reigning monarch in Great Britain.

Livingstone was fortunate that his wife, Mary Moffat, was like him, a committed Christian and an intrepid woman who accompanied him on some of his missions in Africa, even giving birth to two of their six children in the Kalahari desert. But balancing missionary work and family has never been an easy task, and Livingstone’s work in Africa came at great cost to his family. They were separated for long periods of time; Mary suffered from poor health and died in her early forties of malaria while trying to support her husband’s mission.

Livingstone also succumbed to malaria and dysentery, and died at Chief Chitambo’s village of Ilala in what is now Zambia. His heart was buried there, and the rest of his remains, along with his diary, were carried by two of his faithful attendants to eventually be interred in Westminster Abbey, London. 

We can always be moved, inspired and motivated by the lives of people who have made a global impact, but not everyone can leave the kind of legacy that Livingstone did.

Perhaps at this point we can remind ourselves that each one can make an impact in his or her field of influence; Livingstone reportedly expressed great regret at the end of his life that he had not spent more time with his children.

A plaque dedicated to David Livingstone

Statue of David at Victoria Falls

Catriona Valenta can be contacted via FaceBook

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Website Refresh

Robert abd DonaldWe’ve just updated the website with a design refresh and new features – with web developer Donald MacAlpine – so expect more content and refinements in the coming months.  Please send us any feedback you have.


Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Destination Zambia

The country was called Northern Rhodesia when I was a schoolgirl, its first president as an independent nation was Kenneth Kaunda, and Unification missionaries had established a very successful sausage making factory there in the 1970’s.

That was about the extent of my knowledge of the land-locked African country of Zambia before I joined an interfaith tour of the country in June 2013.

Robert Williamson founder of and inspiration behind Sunrise Africa Relief, was born in Zambia, spent 17 years there as a missionary, and had been organising and leading tours under the sponsorship of IRFF (International relief Friendship Foundation) and UPF (Universal Peace Federation).

The trips have a healthy balance of purpose; to distribute donations and funds, whilst gaining first hand feedback on how these donations are (to be) used; to visit institutions founded and funded by other organisations to see how they operate, and of course to see and experience this wonderful country which boasts the largest waterfall in the world, the Victoria Falls, ‘discovered’ by the missionary David Livingstone. 2013 marked the 200 anniversary of Livingstone’s birth in Blantyre, Scotland, and it was especially meaningful for me, born and raised in Glasgow and, like Livingstone, a graduate of Glasgow University medical school, to visit the land where he pioneered, worked and died.

We were a small group of six ranging in ages from 24 to 61; four of us from a Christian/Unificationist background, and two Muslims.  And our gracious van driver and ‘local’ guide was Rudolph, who went as a missionary to Zambia from Germany in 1975, later to be joined by his Austrian wife with whom he has raised four daughters.

It was Rudolph who had learned the basics of sausage making from his Bavarian father, and who together with Robert and a Japanese missionary pioneered and developed a flourishing business which was able to support many other projects.

One of the projects, started by the missionaries in 1984, Barlastone Park School, provides education to university entrance level for over 300 pupils. The school charges fees, but is dependent on donations and sponsorship for maintenance and expansion. Previous donations of microscopes and computers have been put to good use, and there are plans to build chemistry and physics laboratories. After handing over further donated laptops and school supplies, we were welcomed in the assembly room by the enthusiastic students who treated us to lively songs and dancing.

At one time there was a well developed medical clinic, which for complicated reasons sadly could not be maintained. However, Eunice, one of the original nursing staff provides medical care to locals in a small makeshift clinic in her home. Her vision is to have official recognition and to expand her services, but the path towards that goal is fraught with challenges. Nevertheless she is a determined lady, and we were encouraged to see that she made immediate use of a modest donation by buying 100 chickens from which she can develop an income generating business to support the clinic.

On behalf of the US based charity ‘Eyes on Africa’ we were able to distribute almost 200 pairs of reading glasses to local people who had been gathered by Eunice.

In Ndola, northern Zambia is the Mackenzie School, a further project established by IRFF. Young people from Switzerland have regularly visited and volunteered their services, and make monthly donations to help pay teachers’ salaries. Another charity ‘Doors of Hope’ has also become involved, and we saw a building in which they plan to house a new medical clinic. Here we distributed ‘goodies’ to each child-a drink, chocolate, fruit and crisps-all eagerly received and consumed on the spot. In addition we donated school materials, largely funded by members of the Muslim community in Scotland. Again we were entertained to catchy singing and dancing, which moved us staid Europeans to sway to the beat.

Although the resources of IRFF are small, the organization is always open to help where needed, as well as learning how other organizations operate, and so Robert had arranged for us to visit two projects new to IRFF-the Chimbuso project in Lusaka and the Namumu orphanage near Lake Kariba. Robert and Ashley also visited a third project in Livingstone, the Heartspring orphanage.

The Chimbuso premises are humble but well organised, and self-sufficiency is encouraged. Here are housed women and orphans, and there is opportunity for schooling and to learn a trade. The small shop had an enticing assortment of items on sale, including laptop covers made out of recycled plastic bags. The impression left was very positive.

But the visit to the ‘Namumu Orphanage Centre’ is indelible in my memory because of the extreme squalor in which the children are living. The roofs of the sleeping quarters are infested with bats; their smell persists even for years after they have been eliminated and is about as nauseating and irritating as anything I have experienced. And these kids sleep in such an environment… perhaps the difference is not so much the actual funding, but rather how well these funds are used and if they are channeled into productive activities which can generate at least a certain amount of self sufficiency.

One of the most important aspects of this tour was follow up on the use of donations, because sadly corruption and misuse are not uncommon. On our schedule was an orphanage which had been visited and supported last year. Shortly before our arranged visit, we received a call informing us that the orphanage had been closed because of rent arrears, and that the children were being cared for in the homes of the staff. We were to meet in the office premises and to tour a new building which was to house the children. The whole situation seemed suspicious and the accounts given by the 5 or 6 representatives who received us were contradictory and implausible. However, the decision was made to give benefit of the doubt by making a small donation and tasking our on-the-spot representative Rudolph to make a visit later to see if the promised new orphanage materializes. But how painful it is to be (perhaps) deceived and lied to! This experience brought home to me of how important it is to ‘trust, but verify’.

Zambia also has much to offer the tourist, and this aspect of our trip was not neglected.

Luckily the roads in Zambia, although not four lane highways, allow for reasonably unproblematic travelling, and we were able to cover the several hundred kilometers from the Copper belt in Northern Zambia to Lake Victoria in the south in Rudolph’s van with minimal discomfort. But it is humbling to remember that it was under conditions of much more than minimal discomfort that the early pioneers such as David Livingstone travelled this route. We visited the monument in northern Zambia, which marks the spot where he died, kneeling in prayer at the age of 61 in 1873. His faithful servants removed his heart, which they buried there, and had his body transported to London for internment in Westminster Abbey. It was very moving for me as the seven of us, joined by two local boys, stood in prayer and reflection. Although ‘the white man’ in many ways has left a bloody and disgraceful legacy in Africa, many, such as Livingstone, came with noble intent and accomplished much.

Chief Chitambo with the Sunrise Africa Relief team

A most interesting and fitting conclusion to this visit was to be received by Chief Chitambo, a descendant of the local chief who worked with Livingstone. There is undoubtedly always protocol involved in an audience with dignitaries, and this was no exception. A full bow, removal of headgear, a prescribed method of clapping in response to his first questions-we more or less managed the ritual to the satisfaction of the chief and his henchman.

Details of the audience will not be divulged, but before leaving, one of our group was offered a piece of land and at least one wife as an enticement to settle there!

In eastern Zambia, Lake Kariba, the world’s largest artificial lake and reservoir was created when a dam was build over the Zambezi River in the late 1950’s. Before filling the lake the land was evacuated and burned, creating a rich lake bed environment for many fish and animal species. The kapenta is a sardine like fish which I was encouraged to sample. Served with nshima (made from maize or corn meal), one has a typical staple Zambian meal. My palate rebelled somewhat. It is definitely an acquired taste.

The dam bridges the two countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe, (previously Northern and Southern Rhodesia respectively), and after minor border formalities, we were able to walk into Zimbabwe.

The Victoria Falls in southern Zambia, is another crossing point between the two countries. This massive cascade is the world’s largest waterfall, and is especially spectacular just after the end of the rainy season, in April/May. The native name is ‘Mosi-on-Tunya’-the smoke that thunders-and indeed this is a fitting description as the spray can be seen from a distance of several miles. The better known name was given by Livingstone in honour of the British monarch, Queen Victoria, who was on the throne in the year that he discovered the falls, 1855.

The grand Victoria Falls

What a spectacular sight! Decked in double-layer raingear we viewed the Falls from different angles, ‘soaking in’ the experience.

And then that evening we took a cruise on the Zambezi river, keeping a keen eye open for the native river inhabitants, and having the luck to see quite a few hippos and one or two well camouflaged  crocodiles before we marvelled at the early sub-tropical sunset.

And what visit to Africa would be complete with a visit to a game reserve? In a short afternoon visit we were able to see giraffes, elephants, monkeys, zebras and even the rare white rhinoceros. A close up view of the rhinoceros was made possible thanks to a relationship that Robert had cultivated on a previous trip with the park rangers who provided an armed accompaniment for us on a short bush walk to see this strange animal grazing.

A rhino sleeping on the grass

This two week visit made a deep impression on me and the lasting memories are of the people we met and with whom we shared testimonies, impressions and hopes.

It was also largely because of this visit that I was inspired to volunteer at the Sunrise Africa Relief charity shop. Although the shop is no more, the charity continues and hopefully new and creative ways of fundraising can become established.

Catriona Valenta can be contacted via FaceBook

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

2017 Christmas lunch with volunteers and trustees in Dunfermline

Last Friday Sunrise Africa Relief held our annual Christmas lunch with volunteers and trustees in attendance.

After lunch an award was presented by Paul Currie to Eileen Potts in recognition of being the longest serving volunteer for Sunrise Africa Relief! A good time had by all.

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Dunfermline Charity Shop now closed

The charity shop in Dunfermline is now closed however Sunrise Africa Relief goes on.

Please note the shop telephone number no longer works. If you wish to get in touch you can contact Robert on 07720 706498 or email rwilliamson5 AT

Heidrun and Eileen stand outside the shop in Dunfermline


Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Letter & photos received from soccer academy in Zambia helped by Sunrise Africa Relief

We have received photos and a letter of appreciation from Red Lions Football Academy in Zambia thanking us for supporting the development of young people in the community. They have also requested additional funding so that proper equipment and suitable sports clothing can be provided.

View the letter of appreciation.

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Four children from children’s orphanage in Limpopo, South Africa supported by Sunrise Africa Relief

Four children from Mponegele ke Itirele children’s orphanage in Limpopo, South Africa were supported by Sunrise Africa Relief towards further education costs for one year from the beginning of January 2017.

Altogether, £1000 was given to the orphanage to support them.


Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.