Report for 2024 Africa visit

Click here to see the report on the June 2024 Africa visit in Zambia.



Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Report on Petauke and Lasangazi Districts Donation

On 20 February 2024 Sunrise Africa Relief Country Representative Rev. Lawrence Banda and Joseph Kasoma took a trip to Eastern Province of Zambia – their destination: Petauke and Lusangazi districts. The purpose of the trip was to make donations for the construction of a Youth Education Centre in Petauke district in Nyanpande area and construction of a Maternity Annex in Lusangazi District in Sandwe’s Makale Health Post.


In Petauke district which is about 409 kilometres from Lusaka they set off at 06:00 and arrived at 12:00. Two hours later – after some refreshments – they started off on their tour of duty and drove to Nyampande Village. They were welcomed by Family Federation for World Peace Nyampande Community Committee Members. Despite the hot and dry day, there was joy in the atmosphere as three women of the committee members took to the stage and sang two songs to welcome the visitors. Everyone seemed happy forgetting the drought that has engulfed half of the southern, central and eastern spheres of the country.

After the songs the Chairperson welcomed the entourage and thanked the committee members for responding to their call almost immediately. He said a lot has happened in terms of advancing the construction of the Youth Centre. He said the committee came up with the quotations and budget of the construction which they sent to Sunrise Africa Relief in Lusaka, then to the UK for approval. He then asked Sunrise Africa Relief Country Representatives in Zambia Rev. Lawrence Banda to speak to the FFWPU Nyampande Community Committee Members.

In his speech Rev. Banda said that the projects that are being undertaken are for the future benefit of the families and communities of Nyampande Village and not for those from Lusaka. He said that they are only middlemen between Nyampande and the sponsors of the projects. He then asked the Committee Members for a commitment to protect the projects because it was for their own children. He encouraged the committee to work hard and achieve the intended goals so that when Rev. Williamson arrives in June he will be happy and make more donations.

He then presented a donation of K50, 000 towards the construction of the Youth Centre in the village where various undertaking of activities will be implemented.

The Nyampande Community Committee members Coordinator said it was encouraging to see the love that Rev. Williamson has shown towards the people of Nyampande despite many not knowing him fully. He then discussed the budget and quotation of the construction of the Youth Centre. He said originally they budgeted for K48, 000 however this was made without pricing the roofing sheets. Instead of donating K48, 000, Rev. Robert Williamson donated K50, 000.

The Village Headman where the Youth Centre will be constructed also said that it was unbelievable that Sunrise Africa Relief could respond in such a quick time. He said such kind of love is very rare especially that the one making these efforts is not among our tribesmen but someone from outside. He said, “From today henceforth he is our tribesman.”
After the speeches the Chairperson asked Rev Banda together with the Committee Members to go to the site where the Youth Centre will constructed. At the site, Rev Banda saw how the borehole was mounted and how a small house was constructed around it. They were then shown a cleared area where the Youth Centre will be constructed. It was a delightful moment at the site as the women sang songs of praise to Sunrise Africa Relief and FFWPU. The occasion was then joined by some of the community members who sang songs of praise together. By 16:50 the event came to an end. The duo went back to the base in Petauke.

The following day Rev. Banda and Joseph Kasoma started off on a journey of 47.9 kilometres from Petauke district to Lusangazi district to make a donation towards the construction of a Labour ward for Makale Health Post.

At the health centre the delegates were welcomed by Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Makale Committee Member’s Chairperson and his committee members. Makale Health Post’s Centre in Charge, Mrs Martha Siachande was also at hand to give a thunderous welcome. Rev. Banda and his entourage were ushered into the Sister-in-Charge office and later joined by the FFWPU Makale Committee Members.

After welcoming the delegates Rev Banda immediately said that the last time Sunrise Africa Relief delegates visited the clinic, Rev. Williamson asked what immediate challenges the clinic faced. The Clinic Official responded indicating that the most needed facility was the maternity wing. Rev Williamson donated a sum of K20, 000 instantly and asked them to start making the necessary foundation. Rev. Banda said, it was as result of that, that Sunrise Africa Relief, Director sent Rev. Banda and Joseph Kasoma to make a donation of K50, 000 towards the maternity ward.
He then presented the donation which was received by the head of the Clinical Officer and FFWPU Makale Community’s Committee Members. He told them to work together as one unit. He said to achieve anything you needed to work together as one: “If there is no unity it is difficult to achieve the intended goal.” He added that everyone should be involved, including the women and the youth in the community. He sighted how FFWPU Nyampande Committee as one of the most united force. Rev. Banda said the clinic’s Labour ward was not for Rev. Williamson and his family nor is it for Rev. Banda and his family, but for the women and the community of Makale village and beyond.

The Chairperson said he was happy for the donation made by Sunrise Africa Relief U.K. He said it is disheartening when visiting the clinic to be hearing women on labour and all that was taking place at a small room which is shared with other patients both male and female. He said that they had already started the foundation of the Maternity Annex, building according to the government guidelines.

The Sister-in-Charge Mrs. Martha Siachande said the donation made towards the construction of the Maternity Annex is a game changer for the clinic, the women and the community of Makale. She said it will bring dignity to the women and pride during delivery. She said she was delighted to have witnessed the donation as the In- Charge.

The entourage were then asked to go and see the foundation of the Maternity Wing Annex. It was such an amazing occasion and Rev. Banda was happy to see the foundation already in place. He further asked the committee to consider applying for Constituency Development Fund (CDF) within the constituency through the area councillor. He suggested that he shall to talk to Chief Sandwe to push for CDF for the clinic.

The occasion that started at 12:34 PM then ended at 14:08 PM. The entourage bid farewell after a closing prayer and started off back to Petauke district.

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

June 2-16, 2023, Eastern Province, Zambia visit

Construction of an education centre in Nyamphande village- first step completed of drilling a borehole 80 metres deep

Visit to education centre site land donated by Chief Nyamphande


David speaking at the June 6 – Press conference with Uwe and the President of the Zambian chess Federation (18)

Drilling video

Distribution of eyeglasses at Nyamphande medical clinic on behalf of “Eyes on Africa” a California based charity

6th June Nyamphande – glasses for committee members
6th June Nyamphande – glasses for committee members
Bernard distributing eyeglasses in Luapula Province

Makale clinic site visit – completion of nurses’ staff accommodation. Donation given to construct a maternity annexe

Makale nurses staff accomodation
7th June Makale clinic donation for maternity annexe

Sandwe village grinding mill site visit with Chief Sandwe. Completed March 2023.

7th June Sandwe – grinding mill trial with Chief Sandwe
7th June Sandwe – grinding mill building

Sunrise Africa Relief could support a press conference in Lusaka with the Zambia Chess Federation and support chess coaching in schools in the Lusaka area.

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Delivery of hammer mills and support for Makale Medical Clinic, Zambia

Read the recent report here.

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Sunrise Africa Relief gives support towards Pakistan flood relief

At the end of September 2022 Sunrise Africa Relief gave a donation of £800 to help with the Pakistan flood relief.

Two trucks carrying food parcels visited various districts in need. Hundreds of families are affected in the rural areas due to flood waters causing complete devastation, forcing families to flee their homes and sleep in the open.

A total of 70 parcels were made from the £800 with each parcel costing Rs.3065 and were delivered in DG Khan (Dera Ghazi Khan, abbreviated as D.G. Khan, is a city in the southwestern part of Punjab, Pakistan. It is the 19th largest city of Pakistan by population.  Lying west of the Indus River, its inhabitants are mostly Saraikis and Baloch. It is the headquarters of Dera Ghazi Khan District and Dera Ghazi Khan Division).

Distributions also took part in the areas of Rajanpur, Jampur and Afzalpur.

Each parcel was made up of:

  • Rice
  • Lentils
  • Flour
  • Teabags
  • Sugar
  • Washing bar for clothes hand soap
  • Salt
  • Chilli powders
  • Cooking oil
  • Matchboxes

These items were truly appreciated by the local people as they were in desperate need.

“There was great appreciation of the donation which clearly shows that Sunrise Africa Relief will reach out to any disaster to assist them in whichever way they can and thank you again from myself and the team in Pakistan who made this happen to help these people in desperate times” Mr Ahmed the local coordinator.

Sunrise Africa Relief would like to thank our donors for contributions to make this support possible.


Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Donation of Reusable Sanitary Towels/Pads for the Girls

DATE: May 6, 2022
PURPOSE: Donation of Reusable Sanitary Towels/Pads for the Girls
VENUE: Kaseba Primary School

Friday, May 6, 2022, was an exciting day for the pupils, especially the girls, at Kaseba Primary School in the town of Kafue in Zambia. Male pupils from Kaseba Primary School were also present to witness their fellow female counterparts’ memorable day, parents were invited, too, for this special occasion.

Apart from the National Police Aid Convoys (NPAC) charity, the main organizer of the event, and Sunrise Africa Relief (SAR), the main donor of the event, there were other working partners in attendance. The guest of honour was a representative of the Minister of Education and until she and her entourage arrived, the pupils entertained everyone with cultural songs and dances as well as gospel songs and poems.

Proceedings officially started at midday when the event’s director asked Mr. Mwale to open the occasion with a prayer. Thereafter, the manager of the school gave opening remarks and housekeeping. He thanked everyone who was present for coming and asked all to stay until the end of the program.

The first speaker was the chairperson and founder of NPAC, Mrs. Marion Tasker, who lives in United Kingdom and came to Zambia specifically for this occasion. Mrs. Tasker said that the girls have been at a disadvantage because their learning was regularly interrupted by their menstrual periods which kept them at home, away from school and through this, the boys could advance academically. Therefore, the provision of the much more economical, reusable sanitary pads is a booster to the girls’ education and will boost their confidence.

The next speech was delivered by Rev. Banda on behalf of Mr. Robert Williamson, the co-founder of Sunrise Africa Relief. Mr. Williamson highlighted the historical background, vision, and objectives of the charity – seeking for a world of peace and social justice, self-reliance, and equal opportunities for all. He said Sunrise Africa Relief was confident that the donation will help the young girls attend classes without interruptions and in that way give them an equal opportunity to attain high levels of education and a chance for a better and brighter future.

Mr. Williamson gave special recognition to his son Stephan who inspired some of his friends to do a bicycle challenge to raise money for the charity. The goal was to cycle 10,000 kilometers during the year of 2021. 12 young men managed this cruelling challenge and encouraged people along the way to donate money, so this and other projects in Africa can be sponsored.
The third speaker was the headteacher of Kaseba Primary School, who expressed that the examination classes of the school have been performing extremely well in the past, and he thanked all those who support the school. He mentioned some of the challenges the school is still facing, like the use of pit latrines, the erratic water supply, and the susceptibility to theft due to the location.

The last speech was delivered by the representative of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Mrs. Sipeso, who thanked the working partners for the support they have given to the girls, so the gap between boys and girls education could be diminished. Girls are often isolated when school programs are going on and, in the past, often had to stay at home, but now, here at Kaseba School with this generous donation of washable pads, things will change. She turned to the girls and told them that they should attend school today and every day and by doing that, they will be able to contribute to society tomorrow. Mrs. Sipeso went on and encouraged the girls to be responsible in using the pads and maintaining them. She said she was happy that the parents were invited to the event and encouraged them to support their children to enhance their education by staying on at school to enable them to achieve great things in their lives.

The final vote of thanks was given by Marian Nyirenda who expressed that the hampers of pads that were donated will improve the girls’ school attendance, will bring confidence, and improve their performance. She thanked specifically NPAC chairperson, Mrs. Marion Tasker, for organizing the event and Mr. Robert Williamson, co-founder of Sunrise Africa Relief, for the donation. She ended with the common phrase “Educate the girls and empower the nation.”

To close the day a poem “SANITARY TOWELS ARE AN EQUALIZER” was performed by six schoolgirls to show their appreciation to NPAC and Sunrise Africa Relief for their valuable support.

Sunrise Africa Relief Delegates:
1. Rev. Lawrence Banda
2. Mrs. Annabel Banda
3. Mr. Ackson Mwale
4. Mrs. Anna Mwale
5. Mrs. Jaqueline Mutewa
6. Mrs. Kanta
7. Mr. Fabrice Djimadou
8. Mr. Joseph Kasoma

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Support of WFWP’s community service project at Gartlea Garden, Airdrie, North Lanarkshire

Sunrise Africa Relief was very happy to support the Women’s Federation for World Peace in their community service project in Airdrie Scotland on the 20th of April 2022.

The grant of £120 helped towards the purchase of plants and supplies on the day.

The WFWP representatives repainted the outdoor sun lounger and replanted the front flower beds at the Retirement Home, Gartlea Gardens, Airdrie.

The whole project was well received by management and the residents.
Sunrise Africa Relief looks forward to partner with WFWP Scotland on future projects both here in Scotland and Africa.

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Personal message from Robert Williamson to fundraisers

One of our Trustees Robert Williamson would like to thank all the cyclists who fundraised for the charity during the year of 2021.

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

A week on Erraid

11-18 September 2021

Treasure Island, Kidnapped and the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde — most can identify and recognise these works of literature, even if they cannot readily name their author — Robert Louis Stevenson. In his novel Kidnapped the hero, David Balfour, is shipwrecked and washed up on a sandy cove on the island of Erraid which lies off the west coast of Scotland. That sandy cove now bears the name Balfour Bay.

Catriona is a less known sequel to Kidnapped, and more than a hundred years after it was written, another Catriona enjoyed one of the most exhilarating swims of her life in that very bay.

What on earth enticed me to strip off stark naked on a not too warm September day and plunge into the Atlantic? Or come to that, why did the name Findhorn ‘just pop into my head’ when I was figuring out how to arrange a stay on a Hebridean island1 during an upcoming visit to my homeland Scotland? The Hebrides are off the west coast; Findhorn is on the east, and had I not always been sceptically dismissive of its ‘new-age’ spirituality?

The small village of Findhorn became the focus of much media attention in the late 1960s and early 70s when pioneer Eileen Caddy and her husband Peter established a spiritual community and cultivated the land which produced remarkably bountiful crops, far outshining those of their neighbours. This success was attributed to unseen, intangible ingredients such as love and prayer. More than fifty years after its establishment, Findhorn is a thriving community which attracts thousands of international visitors annually.

I still did not consider it my cup of tea, but the name had intruded into my consciousness, and I have been around long enough to know that following inspirations or ‘inklings’ often leads to fascinating and unexpected happenings.

A perusal of the Findhorn website led me to a link to an off-shoot community on the island of Erraid — I know this island! I wanted to visit. It felt right. There were just too many serendipitous connections.

The name Erraid was familiar to me not only because of Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel.

It is a small tidal island precariously connected by a thin umbilical stretch of sand to its mother, the island of Mull and a short sea crossing from its more famous sibling, Iona2.

About one mile away on Mull, is the village of Fionnphort. It was here that I, born under the sign of the Crab, celebrated my fifth to twelfth birthdays, on holiday with my family, as well as some Easter vacations in my teenage years.

For almost one hundred years, Erraid was home to several lighthouse keepers and their families3, and as a child I would sometimes walk with my father to where we could look over the narrow strait between Mull and Erraid and see the row of abandoned cottages, neglected since the withdrawal of the occupants in 1952.

This row of stone cottages always seemed to me slightly sinister and surreal. Little did the child Catriona know that more than sixty years later, she would spend a week in that once ghostly settlement.

A welcoming e-mail in response to my enquiry, offering at short notice a space as a retreat guest — from J.: ‘I notice you live in Germany. I am German’ — sealed my decision.

Cottages on approach to Erraid from Mull

The involvement of the Findhorn community on Erraid started in 1976 when a Dutch family bought the island with its abandoned lighthouse keepers’ cottages. This family had spent time at Findhorn, were inspired by its vision, and made a proposal to financially support members of the community to act as custodians of the island and to restore the cottages, in return for which the Dutch owners would spend one month on Erraid each summer. This arrangement has worked well and over time the Erraid group has become largely self-sufficient, is independent from Findhorn and relies on the Dutch owners only for major financial outlays.

The community on Erraid has developed its own way of life and spirit. One of the Erraid staff spoke somewhat disdainfully of the superficiality and ‘other-worldly’ sophistication which she feels Findhorn has become. An impressive attraction of the Erraid community is its healthy balance of spirituality or internal focus, and plain, roll-up-your sleeves, no-nonsense down to earth hard work.

It is mind-body unity manifested on a community level.

Guests are welcomed in different categories; a ‘retreat guest’ is left to their own devices, although a minimal degree of participation in activities such as meditation, meetings and meals is expected. A ‘love in action’ helper pays less and spends some time involved in the many tasks such as garden, kitchen or maintenance work, and a ‘worker’ will commit to a longer stay and offers their services for whatever needs to be done in return for board and lodging.

The cottages have been renovated and have electricity (and even WIFI, albeit a temperamental one) and modern kitchens and toilets, although the staff prefer to use the outside compost toilets. There is a heating system, but the wood must be chopped, and a fire laid before the pipes and heaters can function to heat the cottage or provide warm water in the bathroom. And of course, the grate must be cleaned out in the morning chill and the fire re-laid.

washing drying from 1950s
Shades of my 1950s childhood: the fire and ‘pulley’ to dry the washing.

Each of the members opens his or her cottage home to whichever guests register to stay. My hostess was the person from Germany who had responded to my mail; a delightful young woman who had trained as a primary teacher, then as a practitioner of complementary medicine (‘Heilpraktikerin’) before discovering Erraid when she experienced the breakdown of a long-term relationship. To become a member, the applicant must have spent some weeks as a worker, have been deemed as suitable after an ‘attunement’ with the rest of the staff, and make a commitment to a minimum of one year’s involvement. I was told that the longest period of residence had been ten years; more usual was a stay of three to five years. 

All kinds of people are attracted to visit, but it takes a special kind of person to stay as a member and endure the long hours of winter darkness when gales lash the island and there is often complete isolation from the mainland when even an experienced boatman would not take to sea.

The Erraid week starts on a Saturday with arrivals and departures. Dinner on Saturday evening is followed by a round of introductions where each can say as much or as little as desired about their situation and what they expect (or have gained) from their stay. We were a small group that week; four members and five guests. I was the only retreat guest, and interestingly, the only native-born Scot present. I related about my childhood connections with Mull and Erraid and touched on my own spiritual journey, including quite naturally my involvement with the Unification Church.

Interestingly, there is a connection between Findhorn and the Unification movement; one of the first members to join Eileen Caddy in the original Findhorn community was a young Dennis Orme, whose name is familiar to many older Unificationists, and certainly to those from the UK. In 1968, the spiritually attuned Unification missionary Doris, who had received ‘a message from the Lord’ went to Findhorn to witness to her faith. Dennis responded. They were subsequently blessed in marriage by Rev. Moon and were appointed as leaders of the British Unification movement which they headed for several years in the 70s and 80s.

Shortly after I had told my story, D., an English woman eight years my junior, approached me. In 1979 she had met an Australian woman and an Englishman in the San Francisco Greyhound station and had been invited to an evening programme in a community house on Bush Street. In the same year, I too had been approached by a couple in San Francisco and had attended an evening programme in the same community house. We had both been intrigued and inspired by the purity, enthusiasm, and idealism of the young people; I had responded to the invitation to join them ‘for a couple of days on our land in Northern California’; for D., alarm bells started to ring. She had been warned about the friendly but devious Moonies who would whisk her off and brainwash her. She could ‘escape just in time’. This was the first of many fascinating conversations. We speculated about what might have happened had she made a different choice and chuckled together about the kind of match that Rev. Moon might have made for her.

The day on Erraid is structured, but not rigidly so.The first scheduled meeting is meditation in the hillside ‘hut’. The view from this spot is so spectacular that it always seemed to me a waste to close my eyes.

A meditation hut
Meditation ‘hut’

The first and last meditations of the week are guided, otherwise one is free to liberally interpret ‘meditation’ providing that silence is observed. Then follows a meeting and the designated ‘focaliser’4 for the week offers a blessing followed by a spiritual reading. J. chose readings from Eileen Caddy’s book Opening Doors Within which is a collection of inspirational writings for each day of the year. Much of what she penned resonates with the writings of another spiritual leader, Rev. S.M. Moon, and I am pretty sure that it would have been quite acceptable had I volunteered to choose readings from his words.

Meditation Hut
Inside the meditation room.

Then the work assignments for the day are allocated; the members report the tasks to be done and each visitor chooses according to ability and inclination. As a retreat guest, I was not obliged to work, but volunteered one morning when I felt inspired to do so. Otherwise, I simply reported my plans and whether I would return for lunch.

There is again meditation time in the later afternoon, followed most days by a communal dinner.

For all group meetings and blessings, we held hands in a circle — a practice with which I felt entirely comfortable. I reflected wryly that even practices which I tend to view with some scepticism seemed quite natural and even meaningful, such as the sending of good energy on extinguishing the candle, or the picking of an ‘angel card’ after the first meditation of the week. Mine was ‘birth.’

All activities are announced by the ringing of a bell. This was the favourite job of four-year-old F., who ran up and down outside the cottages until even the sheep on the far side of the island knew it was time to eat or meet. He and his mum, a single parent, could be there thanks to a bursaryscheme; she told me glowingly just how much they both had blossomed in their short time of residence.

The Dutch owners are not involved in the day to day running of the community and there is no designated leader or supervisor. Yet all seems to function very harmoniously. The residents have a real sense of ownership and responsibility and there is continuity of care when members move on.

Catriona mixing concrete
Not all airy-fairy spiritual. Mixing concrete.

I spent one day revisiting Fionnphort and my old childhood haunts, one day on Iona, and one day tramping the moors in search of an abandoned settlement. The population in many parts of the Scottish Highlands was decimated in the 1800s when brutal landlords forcibly evicted the crofters, considering sheep to be more lucrative inhabitants of the land. Mull suffered massively during these Clearances and the remains of long abandoned settlements are to be found in several parts of the island. My interest and curiosity were stirred when P. told me of one such village nearby. I vaguely remembered having heard my father talk about it. I wanted to explore. This turned out to be a challenging and somewhat scary experience, pushing me to my physical and emotional limits.

I greatly enjoyed the tramp to the village which consisted of the roofless remains of about half-a dozen stone cottages, nestled in the bracken and heather. That very undergrowth proved to be my downfall; the track took me through bracken that towered over my head and obscured my vision, and on the way back I strayed from the path. The terrain was boggy and obstructive, and progress considerably slower than when on the track and one hillside or clump of heather looked the same as the next as I sank thigh deep into bogs and negotiated dense thickets. Although I was never in real danger, I was becoming physically exhausted and more than anything concerned that the staff would be alarmed at the non-appearance of the lady who so keen to prove that she was tougher than she looked. Hadn’t they all made admiring, respectful comments about my being so active for my age? I had a reputation to uphold! The phone reception was unreliable, and I sank into the heather, exhausted. Whether it was my desperate prayer or sheer good luck, shortly afterwards I found the path and with renewed energy could make my way back. Every year there are deaths on the Scottish hills, and this experience took me one step nearer to understanding why.

Remains from the highland clearances
Results of the Highland Clearances

And that swim?

Balfour Bay was deserted apart from we five women: the sand pristine, the sea clear, calm and inviting. To humour my hostess, I had brought my towel ‘just in case’. I had no intention of swimming in a decidedly chilly Atlantic. Paddling-maybe. Swimming-absolutely not. But the others were stripping off and suddenly I was doing the same. I felt compelled to swim. The water was cold. Very cold. Just a few strokes and then I’ll get right back out. But then an amazing transformation took place. It was no longer so cold. It was not warm, but I was enjoying myself. It was uncannily exhilarating. I would have stayed in longer, but the others were all scrambling into their clothes. What was my angel card? – ‘birth’. Water. Hmm….

Author swimming in the sea
Not, it’s not a seal out there!

The decision to visit Erraid was one of the very best that I have made it my life. There I could experience the solitude and overwhelming beauty of a Hebridean island but could share the fellowship of an embracing and open-minded group of people who have managed to sustain a community which combines in a natural way, spiritual principles with common sense attention to physical realities.

The Findhorn community states that it is: an international living laboratory for transforming human consciousness in everyday life. One could also say: peace starts with me.

Group from Erraid

A beautifu sunset
Sunset over Iona from Erraid

For further information go to:

The Erraid community was featured in the Ben Fogle British TV series ‘New Lives in the Wild’ , Channel 5, 21.09.2021. This episode can be accessed and viewed, unfortunately only by UK residents.

1. Hebrides — an archipelago off the west coast of mainland Scotland. There are two groups — the Inner and Outer Hebrides. Erraid, Mull and Iona all belong to the Inner Hebrides.
2. Iona is where St. Columba who brought Christianity to Scotland, made his base. Today the famous Iona Abbey and community attracts (not only) Christian pilgrims from all over the world.
3. Robert Louis Stevenson may have disappointed his father, Thomas in turning his back on the family tradition of engineering. Stevenson senior masterminded the design and construction of many lighthouses around the coast of Scotland, including two which gave warning of the treacherous Torran rocks off the coast of Erraid.
4. The members rotate as ‘focalisers’ with the responsibility of heading up the weekly activities


Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.

Chess sponsorship in Zambia

Mr Schneider a former missionary to Zambia recently visited his mission country again and could hold a number of chess training workshops for teachers. He is working with the Ministry of Sport of Zambia and Sunrise Africa Relief could help sponsor the purchase of chess sets to be donated to schools. Mr Schneider is a credited teacher of chess and works with the chess federation of Germany.

The Zambia chess federation is very grateful for his workshops and to bring an international perspective to the local chess scene. The workshops will be held around the country in order to broaden the attendance. Sunrise Africa Relief wishes all participants a successful training.

Dear Visitor

We rely on donations to continue funding projects in Africa and the UK. Sunrise Africa Relief chooses carefully areas where your donations can make a real impact whilst providing strict oversight to ensure those needing our help receive it. So, you can be assured your donation will be used towards a good cause. We would greatly appreciate any donations you can make. Thank you.